What Are The 5 Elements of Acupuncture?
Since Acupuncture is strongly based on traditional Chinese medicine, this technique was known not only to alleviate symptoms but also treat the causative factor or root of the person's illness. The ancient Chinese believed that health of one's body is by a combination of the body, mind and spirit with the laws of and balance of nature and all 5 elements.
Each element comes together in our body to produce one harmonious entity as aspects of chi (Qi). If one of this aspects is being blocked or disrupted, it leads to an imbalance, thus the body cannot cope and will start to deteriorate. Here are the 5 elements and what affect they have on our bodies:
- Wood – Liver and Gallbladder –includes, dry, brittle, thickened nails and pain below the ribs. Illnesses like migraines, eye problems and sinus problems are common. This element also circles the genitals and the problems are rashes, discharges, hernias, menstrual problems for women.
- Earth – Stomach and Spleen – common illnesses: fatigue, diarrhea, gas & bloating, food allergies, eating disorders, heartburn and canker sores.
- Metal – Lungs and Large Intestines - illnesses: asthma, allergies, frequent colds. Can also include rashes, eczema, chronic constipation or diarrhea or other bowel diseases.
- Water – Kidneys and Bladder – problems with water metabolism, urination, fertility or sexuality. May be diminished hearing or ringing of the ears.
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