Hypnosis is a naturally induced state of relaxed concentration - a state in which we communicate suggestions to our subconscious mind. The part of our mind that influences what we think, how we feel, and the choices we make. It can actually control pain.
Let us guide you into a relaxed state to help you make positive changes to your life. Whether you need help with quitting smoking, weight loss/management, test anxiety, pain cessation, conquering fears and phobias, helping you sleep better, focus, improving your relationship, or other specific needs, we have a solution for you.
Hypnosis is best described as a very deep state of relaxation and focus. Hypnosis is a normal, natural, healthy state of mind. It is also a naturally occurring body defense mechanism. Hypnosis may appear spontaneously as a protective mechanism when you are frightened, disoriented, or in situations of severe mental or physical stress. With the aid of an experienced hypnotist, you will be guided into a state of focus and relaxation to bring out the positive attributes and healthy habits that you desire. It will also allow you to eliminate any unhealthy habits you no longer decide to have.
Hypnosis is not a new treatment. Under a variety of names, hypnosis has been known and utilized for millennia as a means of influencing human behavior. Therapeutic suggestion and concentration has been practiced throughout the history of human endeavors as we have sought to recognize and treat discomfort, disorder, and disease. The Celts and Druids practiced hypnosis. The Egyptians founded "sleep temples" some 4,000 years ago dedicated to therapeutic trance states in which curative suggestions were given. The Bible has many sections which allude to hypnotic phenomena.
A Certified Hypnotist is a specialist in hypnosis who has studied to use the healing state of the mind to work on problems or conditions that you wish to change.
A Certified Hypnotist uses hypnosis to enable you to achieve a state of mental, physical and emotional relaxation. During hypnosis the conscious mind (that busy, critical, analytical part of the mind) takes a rest. Hypnosis allows you to tap into the storehouse of information that lies in your subconscious (sometimes referred to as the unconscious) mind and make positive changes to thought patterns, habits, or to the effects of traumatic incidents that are having a negative impact on your mind or body.
Hypnosis can be likened to the feelings we experience just before waking completely from sleep or just as we drift off to sleep. Some people say it feels like daydreaming. During hypnosis, people experience a state of complete mental, physical, and emotional relaxation. This is a very healing state. Dr Milton Erickson, a leading American Hypnotherapist, described the process of clinical hypnosis as "a free period in which individuality can flourish".
Virtually anyone can be hypnotized - some more easily than others. Like anything else in life, the more you practice, the more easily you can slip into that wonderful relaxed state. The depth that people reach in hypnosis varies among individuals. It is not necessary to achieve a very deep level of hypnosis to bring about change to habits or conditions that are having a negative mental, physical or emotional impact. Everyone who wants to can be hypnotized; all you need to do is follow your hypnotist's instructions and have a reasonable attention span.
Brain scans of people while hypnotized show that the brain activation observed during hypnosis is quite different from that in normal waking, sleeping, or during meditation.
No! This is the most common misconception associated with hypnosis. This is tied to another misconception- that the hypnotist has control over you. This is not the case. People will not do or say anything under hypnosis that they would not do normally. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis - you cannot be hypnotized against your will. This misconception comes from the TV shows and performances by stage hypnotists.
No! During hypnosis, the conscious mind takes a rest. Hypnosis allows you and hypnotist to tap into the storehouse of information that lies in your subconscious (or unconscious mind). We then make positive changes to thought patterns, habits, or to the effects of traumatic incidents that are having a negative mental or physical impact.
Hypnosis helps with:
Hypnosis can improve:
*This is not meant to be a complete list
Hypnosis can be utilized in the treatment of most disorders, whether mental or otherwise, where the relaxation response promotes healing. For example, with a physical injury, mental resources can be enlisted to aid in managing your discomfort, allowing for rest, and lessening the associated emotional trauma.
It must be noted that Hypnosis is not a replacement for medical treatment from your doctor.
This is difficult question to answer accurately as every person and every condition is different. Generally, a condition or behavior change may take 2 to 5 sessions to get the desired results. You will notice improvements after the first session.
No. Hypnosis brings out the best in you. This means that you will change by leaving behind habits or baggage you no longer need or want. You become a stronger and happier person. It helps you to uncover your inner strength and positive qualities, some of which you may not have known you possessed.
Hypnosis is a normal, naturally occurring, healthy state of mind. It is totally DRUG FREE. There has never been a single documented case of harm resulting from the use of hypnosis. Leslie Le Crone, psychologist and authority on hypnosis, states: "As to self-induction, many thousands have learned it and I have yet to hear a report of any bad results of its use". In his book Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, Dr William S Kroger states: "Platonof, an associate of Pavlov, who used hypnosis for over fifty years in over fifty-thousand cases, reports as follows: 'We have never observed any harmful influences on the patient which could be ascribed to the method of hypno- suggestion therapy, or any tendency toward the development of unstable personality, weakening of the will, or pathological urge for hypnosis'".
A Certified Hypnotist can teach you to use self-hypnosis, thereby giving you a life-long skill to change behaviors, intrusive thoughts and emotions that no longer serve you. Many clients continue to use hypnosis throughout their life to promote positive life changes.