
Acupuncture Wellness Center of Florida provides educational and informative workshops that are available on a variety of topics. These Workshops can be presented at no charge for your company, group, club, or organization. Our purpose for these workshops is to help prevent disease and to give the audience practical, useful information they can use to alleviate their problems. We can provide free wellness screenings, blood pressure screenings, stress evaluation, nutritional consultations and numerous other programs to help bring better health to our community. Choose from any of the following topics:

Healing with Whole Foods

Find out how the right food and herbs can cure many of today's diseases.

Health & Stress Workshop

Stress is the underlying cause of most illnesses. This lecture will educate the audience on the symptoms of stress, how stress affects the body's overall health, and what a person can do to relieve stress both at work and at home, so that they can feel better and enjoy life more.

Holistic Solutions to Your Health Problems

Gain a complete understanding of illness and disease and find the natural way to prevent and eliminate it using acupuncture, cleansing, and nutritional supplements. Find out how ancient methods can help you achieve physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

Eliminate Pain Without Drugs

Much of today's generation see pain relief coming out of a convenient bottle, or at least that's what the TV commercials are telling them, with their multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical advertising budget. Inevitably, they come to the conclusion that that's all there is. With this presentation, it is explained why it is important to find the actual source of pain in order to find a permanent solution.

Looking Good, Feeling Fine

This presentation covers three of the most serious concerns for the American public: Looking and feeling better and younger, losing weight, and helping diabetic symptoms. This presentation will educate the audience about how the body and metabolism works, why most diets don't work, the true value of being healthy and fit, how food, water, and medication play a roll in their health and how pain limits a person from achieving their full health potential.

New Solutions to Accelerated Weight Loss

Utilizing a simple, proven and effective nutritional cleansing system is one method to help remove some of the impurities that enter our bodies while at the same time giving the body extra nutrition to help improve one's health. A wellness approach corrects the side effects of trauma, stress and pollution which can be related to numerous health problems including weight gain. The body takes the impurities that enter it and surrounds them with fat and water to reduce the damage they could cause. This in turn can lead to weight gain.

Balancing Hormones Naturally

A Holistic Approach to Women's Hormone-Related Health Concerns - Over 80 million women in the U.S. currently suffer with PMS and symptoms of menopause. Many of these women are confused as to what health options are available or right for them. This lecture will educate the audience about natural alternatives to address problems related to hormone imbalances and menopause.

Understanding Fibromyalgia:
A Holistic Approach to Chronic Pain and Fatigue

People who are suffering with Fibromyalgia are desperate for relief from the constant nagging symptoms, pain and fatigue. The Doctor will educate the audience about safe, effective and natural alternative methods for addressing Fibromyalgia and chronic pain symptoms.

Natural Solutions to Digestive Problems

Acid Reflux, Hiatal Hernias, Ulcers, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Colitis, and Crohn's Disease are just a few of the digestive disorders that affect more than 61 million Americans each year. This presentation will teach the audience about natural means of improving or even correcting these problems.

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